We know that we can only effect long-term sustainable change by joining together with other animal advocates and the community as a whole. That’s why we endeavor to increase partnerships and communication, as well as resource and information sharing, between veterinary clinics, local schools and universities, agricultural clubs, animal transport organizations, neighborhood associations, municipal shelters and animal control departments, independent animal welfare groups, and local businesses. By working together and drawing on the collective resources, knowledge, and wisdom of individuals and organizations, duplication of efforts can be minimized, resources can be more efficiently utilized, individual efforts can be strengthened, and solutions to common issues can be identified and readily implemented.
We have started reaching out to rescue partners on the local, regional, and national level, including the American Bullmastiff Association Rescue Service, PawPrints Foundation, Delta Humane Society, and Save the Giants. If you or someone you know belongs to an organization that would like to join us in the fight to end needless euthanasia and improve the lives of companion animals everywhere, we’d love to hear from you! You can contact us at bullpenrescue@gmail.com.